Fortscale 2.0 Features: Responsive Analyst Alert Feedback

22 Nov Fortscale 2.0 Features: Responsive Analyst Alert Feedback


Another interesting new feature of Fortscale 2.0 is how analysts conclude their investigation of a particular alert. There are usually dozens (and often hundreds) of individual factors that contribute to or are somehow related to each alert.

With Fortscale 2.0, it’s much easier than ever to see and understand all of the information corresponding to a single alert. But after the investigation has concluded and an overall conclusion has been reached, an analyst might be left thinking, “Now what do I do with all of these related factors? How do I easily close this whole issue, including all related components?”—and most importantly, “How do I reach this information in the future?”.

Fortunately, version 2.0 makes this very easy. Just as a number of features like SMART Alerts and single-screen investigation condense and consolidate all related information, a single click allows an analyst to present his feedback to the system and reject, close, or leave an alert open and unresolved. If an analyst elects to reject or close an alert, they need never see it again. If he chooses to leave it open, all the underlying data will continue to be available in a single screen for future reviews.

This feedback can then be processed to create relevant metrics regarding system and analyst performance that will be part of the scoring mechanism. Oftentimes, it’s the seemingly little things like this that can add up to making a big difference in how well a product works.

Read more about Fortscale 2.0 and read previous blog posts regarding new Fortscale 2.0 features:

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