Detecting Shared Logins
and User Credentials

Detecting Shared Credentials

The Business Challenge

Unauthorized credential sharing creates a loss of accountability and can lead to serious security incidents. This is especially true when privileged accounts are involved. Unfortunately, studies show that 20% of employees share their passwords with someone else, even though it’s strictly against policy.

It’s Difficult to Identify Unauthorized Credential Sharing

Access management services and correlation engines found in SIEM and other systems can alert security personnel when specific credentials are used, but they don’t typically have the ability to generate alerts when credentials are used by more than one person.


How Fortscale Detects Shared Credentials

Fortscale uses advanced user behavior analytics and machine learning tools to ingest, enrich, and model massive amounts of data from SIEM, access, and authentication systems. The resulting behavior intelligence detects credential sharing and other anomalous acts. Suspicious behaviors, such as multiple devices or individuals using the same credentials at the time, indicate user credential sharing has undergone.

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