White Water Rafting With the (Cyber Security) Pros

Sadly, this week’s blog will have nothing to do with cyber security. Instead, we wanted to seize the opportunity to introduce to you the talented group of people behind Fortscale’s leading User Behavior Analytics Platform.

Earlier this month, under the leadership of Fortscale Office Manager, Rinat Sagi, and HR Manager, Tami Zehavi, the entire Fortscale R&D center had gladly left behind the comfort of our cozy office and headed up the to the (not so distant) Golan Heights.

After a two hour drive (ages in Israeli driving terms), we found ourselves overlooking the magnificent Jordan River and planned for an action packed Company Retreat…


10:00 - The most important meal of the day


12:00 - Fast & Furious


14:00 - Beer Break


16:00 - Gearing Up


16:10 - Into The River Wild


18:00 - Enjoying The View


18:01 - Getting Hungry Again


18:02 - Digging In


19:00 - A Little R&R


20:00 - A Silent Drive Home


Want to learn more about The Team? Click Here.